
Welcome to my website.

First of all the Tech bit. Click on the category you wish to view [ some with drop-down menus ] and then on any image you wish to view full screen. To get back to the category, click on the top right corner of the image. The green band across the top of each page contains my email address, to make requests for images or to communicate with me just email me. If blanks appear, just click on your refresh icon to restore all the images.

All the images on this site [except ‘Friends and Family’ and some ‘People’] are available for free. I will send you any images requested by wetransfer…an App that maintains the integrity of the files. Please download within 7 days, after that the files will disappear. If you have enjoyed the site or if you have requested images, you can show your appreciation by making a donation to Medecins Sans Frontieres by clicking on their logo at the bottom of this page. It is by no means compulsory but it might just help to make the world a better place.

I retain authorship/copyright of all the images and stories on this site unless otherwise indicated by someone else’s name.

I’m the first to admit that this is a slightly unusual collection of images, ranging in style and quality over a 30yr period. In the middle of this period, I studied photography and even gained a professional qualification but decided to keep it as an interest rather than a profession. If you came to this site looking for photographic perfection and/or art photography, this may well disappoint overall, but if you are open to a different kind of experience, both photographic and written, I hope you might find something more personal and more wide ranging here. I’m a pretty ordinary person who has, more by accident than design, had an interesting life and met or encountered some interesting and occasionally very famous people along the way. I was and am as gobsmacked at these encounters as anyone would be…it’s not intended to be boastful.  

The stories category is partly indulgence and partly to keep my friends happy. They have often insisted that I should share some of these stories with a wider audience, but it might be a case of being careful of what you wish for. They probably work better as tales told with a glass or two of something in a social situation. As I’ve never attempted to write anything before, they may not work quite as well on the page but I’ve attempted to at least make them readable. Like the photographs, I am constantly correcting and updating the stories in an attempt to keep them honest, accurate and I hope, worth reading.

I would like to dedicate this site to my nephew Paul. He lost his life to cancer at the age of 19. He was a keen and good photographer [as is his sister Rebekah and his father David]. Before he left us, he asked David why Uncle Chris didn’t have a decent/digital camera. When David explained that I couldn’t afford one, Paul said it was a real shame and after his death, David decided to buy me a beautiful new camera with Paul’s inheritance. I am indebted to both of them .

I am constantly tweaking the site and images may come and go. I’ve tried to adjust the images for onscreen viewing but I feel that they will always look better as prints. Why not give it a go? Enjoy.

The portrait above is by Carole Blythe, with thanks. 





MSF Fundraising Logo 1 hi-res

Donations Welcome

Chris Morton, photographer